Dealing with Tragedy

In the wake of such a horrific tragedy in Connecticut we pray for the families who have suffered such unspeakable loss. Even when there are no acceptable answers we know that there is comfort and there is peace in our Savior.  Our Lord Jesus gives us this comfort, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” 

Even in times like this we may find rest and peace in the comforts of God and so we go to him in prayer.

Almighty and Everlasting God, the comfort of the sad and the strength of those who suffer, let the prayers of your children who cry out in any tribulation come to you.  To every soul that is distressed, grant mercy, grant relief, and grant renewal; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Lord Jesus, you have overcome the world and all power and authority is yours.  When evil seems to triumph, give us courage and faith, and help us never to forget that you are with us everywhere, to the end of time.  To you be glory now and forever. Amen.

The following is a a portion of an email from Wisconsin Lutheran Child and Family Services. We pray that it may prove useful in some way.


We pray for the families of the victims of the unspeakable tragedy in Connecticut. For children, it can be especially difficult to understand how such an act of evil could happen. You may be struggling with how to process this tragedy, you may be struggling with how to help your children process this tragedy when they ask questions. Sheryl Cowling, a counselor with Christian Family Counseling, and a specialist in children and trauma, has some tips for parents on how they can help their children cope in the aftermath of a crisis or tragic event.

You can click here to link to a PDF of tips for parents, that you can print and have available for your members.

For more information on the online counseling Member Assistance Program from WLCFS-Christian Family Solutions, please contact Dan Nommensen at 800-438-1772. You can also visit our website at for more information.

WLCFS-Christian Family Solutions

“Healing and helping people in need through the ministry of Jesus Christ”

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