The Light that Never Fails

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. – 2 Corinthians 4:6. 

Finally, the day had come.  The final touches were being put into place.  And then it happened. The lights went out and the church was suddenly covered in darkness.  The father of the bride checked the fuses, but the power was out throughout town.  The bride was nervous about how things were going to turn out, but there was only so much they could do.  And so they lit a few extra candles, invited the guests in, and had their service.  And wouldn’t you know it, after the scriptures were spoken, the sermon preached, after the vows and rings had been exchanged and as the assembled group of family and friends joined to pray the Lord’s Prayer the lights popped back on.   It didn’t go exactly as planned, but in the end God made all things work out for this couple in a memorable way.  And now God goes with this Christian husband and wife to bring the wonderful gift of his light to their life; for here’s the thing about the light of Christ, it never fails.

There are plenty of times when things don’t go quite right in our lives, but in his holy Word God promises that he is always there to comfort and to encourage us through his holy Word.  Maybe a few things this past year didn’t go as expected, or perhaps you didn’t get off to the kind of start you wanted for 2018, but God promises that even when the dark clouds fall the Son of God still shines upon us.  No hardship, no pain, no broken plan, not even a broken heart can change the fact that our Savior came and lived and died for us.  Jesus came to this world of darkness and sin and he brings his unfailing light.  He is our refuge and strength.  He forgives our sins.  He binds up our broken hearts.  He chases away our fears.  He guides his people through the troubles of this life until we are at his side in the unending light of heaven.  In his faithful care, the God who called all things into existence, encourages us to call on him and he will give us rest.  Through the cross and the empty tomb, our Savior reminds us of his undying love and his gift of eternal life.  Jesus is our light.  He is our salvation.  And his light never fails.

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